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8 Effective Cold-Calling Strategies to Find Commercial Cleaning Leads


Are you struggling to generate high-quality leads for your cleaning services? Are your marketing strategies taking too long to bring action? Then, it’s time to incorporate cold calling into your outbound marketing strategies.

Cold calling is a powerful outbound marketing strategy to expand your client base when done right. So, the important question is, how can you conduct cold calling for cleaning businesses to find leads? Here is our list of strategies that work exceptionally:

  • Targeting and qualifying prospects 
  • Identifying their pain points
  • Building an effective team
  • Creating personalized scripts
  • Knowing your product and company
  • Calling prospects when they are most likely to answer
  • Getting to the point quickly
  • Setting appointments for in-person meetings

The cleaning industry is moving toward a 10% revenue rise within 2026, and you can easily leverage cold calling to be a part of this enormous revenue hike. Let’s discuss these 8 effective cold calling strategies to find commercial cleaning Leads in detail. 

1. Target and Qualify Prospects

Not all businesses are fit for your commercial cleaning services. So, the first step is to target and qualify suitable prospects for your services. Here are the four steps to conduct this:

  • Step 1—Research: List all the local businesses that might need your janitorial service. This list will include office buildings, medical facilities, retail stores, and other commercial properties. 
  • Step 2- Criteria: Establish criteria to identify the best target market based on business size, industry, and location.
  • Step-3 – Listing: Compile a list of potential leads using business directories, online databases, and industry-specific lists.
  • Step 4 – Qualify: Compare the listed prospects with the criteria to see who your most profitable prospects are. This will significantly increase your cold-calling success.

Once you go through these steps, you will get a clear idea of your potential clients. You can also leverage our B2B lead generation services to target and qualify the most suitable prospects for your commercial cleaning services. 

2. Identifying Pain Points

What are pain points

A janitorial service gains traction when it understands its potential leads’ pain points. Therefore, to offer the best possible cleaning solution, you should be clear about these when conducting cold calls.

So, how do you identify pain points? Here’s how:

  • Specify Issues: Make a list of cleaning problems businesses in different industries are suffering from. For example, a corporate office may request after-hours service, while medical facilities need specialized cleaning.
  • Ask: Prepare a list of questions beforehand to understand your potential client’s pain points. 
  • Listen: Listen actively while talking with your prospect. If you ask the right questions, your client will be more than willing to share their pain point.

With a clear view of your potential customers’ challenges, you will get more comfortable with cold calling and can generate better leads for your business. 

3. Building a Cold Calling Team

Your cold-calling success depends heavily on your team’s skills. Therefore, hiring individuals with excellent communication skills and training them to write effective commercial cold-calling scripts and handle objections is crucial. 

Equipping your team with CRM tools for managing commercial cleaning leads and tracking progress plays a vital role. Additionally, motivating your team with feedback, incentives, and recognition can bring exceptional results for your business.

However, building an effective cold-calling team may take time, effort, and substantial money. You can bypass this by outsourcing your cold-calling services to a reputed agency.

4. Personalizing Cold Calling Scripts

A personalized script can greatly improve the effectiveness and consistency of your cold calls. While writing a cold calling script for commercial cleaning, introduce yourselves and get to the purpose of the call and client pain points in the shortest time possible. 

You should highlight the values and services that set you apart from similar businesses. Finally, your script should be persuasive enough to make your prospects enthusiastic about signing up for your cleaning service.

Personalize these scripts according to your leads’ needs and tastes to get the best possible results and establish your company as an authority in the cleaning industry.

5. Know Your Product and Company

The goal of cold calling is to build trust with your potential customers so that they feel comfortable doing business with you. Knowing your product and company’s ins and outs helps build this trust. 

So, be strong in your knowledge of the professional cleaning services you provide and the experiences you have gained. Make sure to mention success stories and testimonials of your previous clients. Finally, finish strongly with offers or guarantees you provide. 

If you are hiring cold callers as your marketing strategy, make sure to give them detailed instructions about your business, product, and what you expect from your commercial cleaning leads

6. Call When Prospects are Likely to Answer

Timing is crucial for cold calling. Your prospects are busy individuals; therefore, you should time your calls strategically to increase chances. 

Research different types of businesses and avoid calling them during rush hours. Conduct tests to determine the best times and weekdays for reaching your targeted clients. The success of cold calling significantly depends on timing. So, when is the best time of day to cold call?


Some countries only allow cold callers to call between 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Make sure to research if there are such rules in your state. Be consistent in your cold calling once you find the best time to reach out. This will improve your marketing success and turn your prospects into loyal customers. 

7. Get to the Point Quickly

Again, your targeted clients are busy, so they may not give you too much time. Thus, it is wise to get to the point quickly rather than beating around the bush. Start with a brief and engaging introduction and swiftly transit into the value proposition. 

Once you explain the benefits of your services, ask questions to identify your potential client’s pain points and requirements. Stay ready to answer their questions and the objections they voice. Otherwise, your prospects will lose interest and move on without signing up.

A well-written cold-calling script for the cleaning industry helps significantly in this manner. 

8. Set Appointments for In-person Meetings

The desired action for cold calling is to arrange an in-person meeting with your prospects for a detailed discussion. Achieving this action may be challenging but very fulfilling. 

So, how do you set appointments through cold calling for commercial cleaning services? 

First, you will need to assess your prospect’s interest in accepting your service. If your potential clients are open to taking you as their vendor, propose an in-person meeting or site visit at their convenient time.

Once your prospect agrees to a meeting, confirm the appointment details and send a follow-up email to double-check. If you are not getting much traction, don’t hesitate to appoint our experts to conduct B2B appointment-setting services for your cleaning business.

Final Words

So, here is our expert cold-calling strategy for commercial cleaning businesses to generate more leads. These approaches work quite flawlessly for us and will help you establish your strategy.

Remember, every call is an opportunity to convert a lead into a paying customer. Therefore, your marketing strategy needs to be witty and consistent. 

If you are struggling with your cold-calling strategy, contact our professionals for additional help. We have a capable team of cold-calling professionals who can assist in converting your leads and generating a better bottom line for your business.

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