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15 Cold Calling Insurance Scripts for Appointments Setting

cold calling insurance scripts

Despite the rise of digital marketing strategies, cold calling is still an effective outbound marketing strategy for insurance companies due to its direct and personal approach. When done correctly, you can gain impressive results by turning more leads into your clients.

However, conducting multiple calls a day, for 5 days a week, can be daunting. If you are new to the game, you may sometimes find yourself without words. Having effective cold-calling scripts helps significantly in this manner. 

In this blog, we will guide you in crafting the best cold-calling insurance scripts to sell to your targeted prospects. These scripts are tailored to handle various situations, enhancing your ability to connect with potential clients and effectively sell insurance policies.

Let’s start: 

15  Best Insurance Scripts for Better Leads and Results

As an insurance cold-caller, you can face a multitude of situations, depending on the policy you are selling, your prospect’s personality, and their mental space when you reach out to them. You will need to handle them accordingly to make your cold call successful.

Using your wit and intelligence is crucial during active calls. However, it is easy to get overwhelmed, which can put you in a false position. A well-written script helps significantly in times like this. It will help you quickly get out of that awkward position and get back to your original conversation.

To help you out, here are 15 cold-calling scripts focusing on 15 different situations. You can use these scripts and customize them to fit better with the policies you are selling and the core values and offerings of your organization. 

1. Free Quotations Offering Script

Offering free quotations to your leads to convert them into paying consumers is often a great strategy. This helps build trust between your company and your leads. 

However, your prospect mustn’t feel pressured to buy from you. At the same time, your prospects should feel like they are gaining valuable information without investing anything. With this perfect balance, you can guide them through the sales funnel and turn them into your trusted clients.

Here is a sample script for offering free quotations:

Calling Agency: Hello, Mr./ Ms. [X ]; this is [Y] speaking from [name of your insurance company]. How are you today?

Clent: I’m fine. Thanks for asking. What is this about?

CA: Currently, we are offering a free, no-obligation quotation for our [type of insurance] policy. Would you be interested in talking about it?

At this point, your client is either interested or not. Depending on the situation, you can respond accordingly.

If interested: 

CA: Excellent. Can I ask you some questions to understand your needs better and provide an accurate quote?

If not interested:

CA: I totally understand. May I ask if there are any specific reasons why you’re not interested? Your feedback is precious to us. 

In this script, you offer a general quotation service to your potential lead. This helps you start the conversation and offer them a valuable benefit without pressuring them to commit. When they are not interested, you try to get relevant information to make your next call better.

2. For Existing Policy Users

Insurance policies are considered commodities, and most people you reach through cold calling may have one. How do you set a commercial insurance appointment and sell one in such cases?

Try informing them about the new benefits and updates of your policies. It might intrigue them, and they may get a new policy from you. On the other hand, if they already have a policy and are insistent on not getting another one, accept the rejection.

However, you can still try to build a connection with them. They may find it necessary to have another policy in the near future and reach out to you. Here is a sample script:

Calling Agency: Hello, Mr./Ms. [X], hope you are having a good day. I’m [Y] from [company name]. Do you have a minute to talk?

Client: Hi. I’m alright. Yes, I can spare a few minutes.

CA: I see that you currently have an insurance policy with us. I was reaching out to discuss some new benefits and updates to our policies that might interest you. 

At this time, your client may either be interested or deny your proposal. You should answer accordingly. 

If your client is interested:

CA: Brilliant. So, our new policy consists of [benefits], [benefits], and [benefits]. Thus, you can get more coverage and peace of mind. You can simply upgrade your old policy to get the new one . . . (cont.)

If your client denies:

CA: That’s completely understandable. If you ever have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Have a good day.

With this script, you are offering better benefits to your existing customers with ease. When your lead is not interested, you are giving them an option to reach out for further information.

3. For Neighborhood Card Script

Good neighborhood knowledge comes in handy when reaching out to prospects as an insurance cold caller. This helps build trust with your audience and establish you as a trusted advisor.

Reaching out to your prospect as a community member rather than just an insurance agent helps you sell insurance policies personalized to your leads. Your happy neighbors might also recommend your services to others, boosting word-of-mouth marketing.

Therefore, if you are familiar with the neighborhood of your prospect, you can customize your insurance cold call script accordingly.

Here is a sample script:

Calling Agency: Good Morning, Mr./Ms. X. In Y from [company name]. Hope you are having a good day. Do you have a minute to talk?

Client: Good morning. I’m doing fine. Sure, I can spare a minute.

CA: Excellent. So, I’m contacting locals in [neighborhood/city] to chat about [home/workplace] insurance. We specialize in assisting [business owners/homeowners] just like you to find the best insurance coverage. Would that be something you would be interested in discussing?

After this, your client should either be interested or not. If they are not interested, thanks for their time, and try to schedule a meeting in the near future. If your prospect is interested, you can continue the conversation like this.

CA: I also live in [neighborhood/city], and I know [specific pain points of that area] can occur. You should adopt [specific policy] to protect yourself. We are the only company currently offering this policy for this [specific pain point]. Can we discuss this further? Maybe over coffee? I know a great place around the corner.

Customize this script accordingly and personalize it based on the prospect’s response. This will greatly help you in converting your leads into valuable clients.

4. Prospect Who is Not Interested in Your Policy

It is quite common to encounter “I’m not interested” while cold calling, especially for insurance agencies. However, if you can handle this skillfully, you will still have the chance to convert your lead, maybe not immediately, but in the near future. 

Most seasoned cold callers handle this situation by redirecting this conversation using pre-qualifying questions to engage prospects. If you can ask relevant questions that intrigue your prospect, you may keep the dialogue alive and get more comfortable with your cold calling approaches.

A sample of an insurance cold calling script to reach out to “not interested” prospects can be following:

Calling Agency: Hello, Good Afternoon Mr./Ms. X. This is Y from [company name]. I was reaching out with a policy tailored to your needs. Are you available to discuss this?

Client: Good Afternoon, Y. Thanks for reaching out. I’m not interested in your offer right now.

CA: I completely understand your hesitation. If you don’t mind me asking, are you currently subscribing to any insurance policy? Can I offer you any specific coverage you are looking for?

If your prospect is still not interested, thank them for their time and offer them assistance if they want to contact you in the future.

5. Quick Product Explanation Script

In most cases, when you are reaching out to your prospective clients, they may not allow you much time. You should be prepared with an “elevator pitch” in such cases. 

These pitches should mainly focus on the benefits your clients could get if they sign up for your service. If possible, you should mention how easy the process is. Make sure to take no more than 30 seconds to complete your whole pitch. 

Here is a sample script to give you an idea:

Calling Agency: Hello, good day, Mr./Ms. X. I’m Y reaching out on behalf of [company name] about [specific policy]. Have you got some time to discuss?

Client: Hi. I’m walking towards my office. Can you be quick?

CA: Sure. Our new policy is to help businesses like yours thrive. We are offering [specific benefits], and all you need is one 10-minute appointment to set all this up. Would you be interested in that?

Client: Your policy sounds intriguing. Let’s have a meeting and discuss further. I can clear up 10 minutes on Thursday after lunch. Can someone reach out then?

CA: Thanks a lot for your time and interest. I will see you one Thursday then. I’ll make an appointment through your organization. 

Generally, these clients are pretty busy with their work. Therefore, you should avoid all fluff and flowery words and simply stick to the point in the shortest possible time.

6. Scripts for Website Leads

Almost all proficient insurance organizations now have websites as an additional way to reach potential leads. When potential clients express interest in your website policy, you need to contact them and complete the sale process.

As your lead has already expressed their interest, you shouldn’t make the call about selling. Instead, discuss the onboarding process, how the policy may help them, and overall, focus on building a relationship and trust.

A script to reach out to the website lead can look like the following:

Calling Agency: Hello. Mr./Ms. X. Hope you are having a good time. I’m Y from [insurance company name], reaching out to you about our policy that you have shown interest in. Can we talk for a while to discuss further?

Client: Hello, Y. It’s nice of you to reach out. I have some time to discuss.

CA: So, you have seen our policy, and we are currently offering [benefits]. Do you have anything specific to ask or concerns that I should address?

Make sure to address your lead’s concerns and answer their queries genuinely to convert them into a trusted partner of your insurance organization.

7. Cross-Selling Script for Existing Customer

It is always a good idea to reach out to your existing customers and offer them better coverage on their insurance policies. They already know the quality of your service and have a certain amount of trust in it.

A script tailored to reach out to your existing customers should mainly focus on what additional benefits you can offer them. Sprinkle some well wishes and personalized questions about their well-being and lifestyle to make it personalized.

An example of such a cold calling insurance script is the following:

Calling Agency: Good Morning, Mr./Ms. X. Lovely day, isn’t it? How are you? I’m Y from [company name]; we had a conversation earlier this month.

Client: Hello Y, yeah, I remember you.

Calling Agency: So, we are launching a new policy with [benefits]. This will cover [specific areas personalized for the client]. Would you like to discuss further?

If your client is interested in adopting the policy, briefly discuss how the new policy compliments their older policy and what additional benefits they can get. Address any of their concerns and try to schedule a physical meeting to discuss further. Do not push the sale, as it can generate a wrong impression.

8. Objection Handling Scripts

Objection handling is a common challenge for cold callers, and you will have to face this more frequently than anything. Your lead may object to anything you have to say, and you will need to address the matter calmly and in a professional manner to improve your cold calling success.

So, whenever your prospect raises an object, you can tackle it by:

Calling Agency: I understand your concerns about our policy, and I’ll be here to answer and address all your questions. How can I help? What information do you need?

Be prepared to answer all the questions honestly and truthfully, even the most uncomfortable answers. This will build trust with the prospect and help you build a good relationship with them.

9. Scripts for Reaching Potential Business Clients

As all businesses require a tailored insurance policy to protect their assets, you can reach out to them with the best offers to sell them your policies. A professional approach goes a long way in setting insurance appointments with them.

So, during cold calling, quickly exchange the usual pleasantries and jump to the purpose of your calling immediately. The conversation may look like this:

Calling Agency: I see you have [specific business]. Do you have an insurance policy to protect your assets? Can I introduce you to some of our policies and discuss how they fit with your organization?

Once your prospect shows interest in what you are offering, give them a detailed layout of your policy and discuss how it can help the business. Remember, business owners are often busy with their business endeavors. So, take as little time as possible to set an appointment with your prospect.

10. Script for Mortgage Protection Insurance

Cold calling for pushing a mortgage protection insurance is your opportunity to build trust, demonstrate value, and ultimately convince your leads of the long-term benefits they can enjoy. 

When writing a script to promote a mortgage protection policy, focus mainly on building personal connections and the emotional impacts they may suffer due to accidents. As an insurance cold caller, your job is to evoke emotions and highlight the importance of protecting their home.

A potential insurance cold call script for mortgage protection policy can look like the following:

Calling Agency: Hello, Mr./Ms. X. I’m Y, and I specialize in mortgage protection insurance. Do you have some spare time to talk?

Client: Hello, Y. Yes, I can talk.

Calling Agency: I was hoping to talk about our mortgage protection insurance that can secure your home and financial future. Would that be something you would be willing to discuss further? 

At this point, your client is either interested in what you have to offer or not interested. If they are interested, go ahead and discuss your policies, address their objections, and move to making an in-person meeting.

If they are not interested, try to evoke their emotion. Here is an imaginary conversation:

CA: If I may ask, do you currently have a mortgage on your home?

Client: Yes, I do

CA: And, if I may be a bit bold, do you have insurance to pay off your home for your family if something were to happen to you?

Client: No, I don’t.

CA: Isn’t it a bit scary to put everything on chance? Wouldn’t you want your family to be taken care of if, God forbid, something were to happen to you?

Client: Well, I have not thought about it before now.

CA: Would it help if our policy could ensure that safety without any additional cost to you?

If your client shows interest now, go ahead and give them the details of the policies you offer. Make sure to be calm and polite during such emotional conversations. Do not be aggressive so your client perceives you as a threat. 

11. Promotional Sales Script

It is common for insurance companies to offer promotional policies for the short term, especially during special occasions (like holidays and Black Fridays). So, when you are reaching out to your leads to promote such policies through cold calling, you should focus on the value and overcome objections from your leads.

Such scripts should start with a strong opening and focus on the benefits offered by the promotional policy. Make sure to give a brief of the benefits your lead will get from the offer and mention the timeline till when the offer is valid. Thus, the magnet portion of a script for promotional sales as a financial advisor can look like this: 

Calling Agency: Today, I’m reaching out with a promotional policy for your [specific pain point]. We are only offering this policy through this week as a Black Friday sale. This offers you [specific benefits]. Would you like to discuss further? 

While other policies can be purchased for quite a while, promotional sales last for a shorter period of time. Therefore, your script needs to be effective in converting leads quickly.

12. Script for Life Insurance Cold Calling

Unlike other insurance cold-calling scripts, life insurance cold-calling scripts need to be emotional, emphasize a long-term perspective, and focus on maintaining the legacy. Additionally, you will need to get an initial understanding of your client’s health condition. As the insurance policy options and premiums vary significantly depending on the client’s lifestyle, health situation, and age, cold callers should find out these factors without raising any concerns.

Some magnet part of the cold calling life insurance script may look like this:

Calling Agency: Thank you, sir/madam, for your time. I am reaching out with a brilliant life insurance policy for you. You know, accidents happen all the time, which can impact families greatly. Have you thought about where your family would be if you were to face such an unforeseen and unwanted incident?

Wait for your client’s answer. They would either be uninterested in communicating further or concerned for their family and loved ones. If they show concerns, continue the conversation like this:

CA: Our life insurance policy offers [benefits], which can be quite beneficial for your family if anything unexpected happens to you. Can I ask if you have been diagnosed with any lingering health conditions?

Continue your conversation to get a good grip on the lifestyle of your prospects and offer them the best policy that suits their lifestyle. Once your prospect agrees on an insurance policy, schedule a meeting to discuss further.

13. Script for Health Insurance

Health insurance policies are another specialized coverage that insurance organizations offer. Thus, you will need to demonstrate your expertise in the medical niche when you are offering such policies to your leads.

Generally, health insurance policies deal with healthcare costs and they can be of several types. So, when you are writing a script for offering health insurance, make sure to mention the type of policy you are offering.

The highlighted section of the script for health insurance can go like this:

Calling Agency: I’m reaching out with our comprehensive health insurance policies. We help you cover [specific medical expenses] during your distress so you can focus on getting well rather than being anxious about the huge expenses. Would you like to know more about our policies? 

Make sure to mention what costs the policy covers and what percentage of which procedure your client may need to handle. Be thorough and clear to build a strong trust between you and your lead. This will help your company’s rapport in the long run.

14. Retirement Planning Insurance Sales Script

While most insurance policies are mostly about protecting against risks, retirement policies are designed to help individuals save for retirement. Typically, these policies are costlier and most suitable for wealthier customers.

Therefore, when you are cold calling to offer retirement planning policies, your focus should be encouraging your leads to build a nest egg for retirement income and tax benefits they may get from your policy. 

While writing the insurance script, start with a strong opening. Understand your prospect’s dreams and desires and include them during the conversation. This will help paint a picture in your prospect’s mind about their retirement.

The significant portion of the script may look like the following:

Calling Agency: You see, your retirement could go one way or another. However, if you start saving from now on, it could look like golf courses and vacations on private islands. Would you like to discuss some of our retirement planning policies? 

A touch of humor helps you break the ice and make your prospect more receptive. Overall, be witty when reaching out to your leads for better cold-calling results.

15. Insurance Script for Referrals

Rather than selling insurance directly to prospects, the insurance cold-calling script for referrals focuses on leveraging existing connections and shared relationships. This helps establish trust through the goodwill of your service and helps make the conversation more receptive.

When you are reaching out to your prospects obtained through referrals, focus more on the opportunities that your mutual connection received from your company. It will encourage them to repeat the action you are asking them to try.

A referral-based cold-calling script can look like the following:

Calling Agency: Hello, Mr./Ms. X. This is Y, calling from [company name]. Your neighbor [neighbor name] suggested your name to us. Do you have some minutes to talk?

Client: Hello, Y. Thanks for calling. What is this about?

CA: We are offering a comprehensive home security policy that can benefit you greatly. Our agency [agency name] helped your neighbor, Mr./ Ms. [neighbor name], increase coverage for the same premium. And you have a home similar to the one your neighbor has. Would you like to know more about our policy?

Client: Sounds interesting. Tell me more.

CA: Picture this: your home, wrapped in a cozy insurance blanket, protected from life’s unexpected curveballs. And guess what? We’ve got a VIP spot reserved just for you. 

Then, you can discuss the policy and benefits. If needed, you can discuss how your company helped the person who referred your new lead, leaving the confidential parts. This is a very effective way to convert your leads into customers.

Final Words

To grow your insurance company, you need to convert leads into paying consumers. Cold calling can be your most trusted outbound marketing strategy in this manner. Compelling and well-crafted scripts can drastically improve your success rate.

The effectiveness of any cold-calling script depends on how well you understand the service and can personalize your pitch. Whether you’re offering free quotations, reaching out to existing policyholders, or handling objections, these scripts help you navigate the conversation confidently. 

Remember, insurance cold-calling scripts are there to help you structure your conversation. You will need to personalize them and be prepared to handle situations accordingly. If you are not accustomed to cold calling, hire a professional cold calling agency to conduct this outstanding outbound marketing strategy.

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